Rate of Progression is our rate of change. It is how fast we travel up the mountain, transitioning line upon line and precept upon precept, to develop our relationship with God and with our spouse.
“And when they shall have received this, which is expedient that they should have first, to try their faith, and if it shall so be that they shall believe these things then shall the greater things be made manifest unto them. And if it so be that they will not believe these things, then shall the greater things be withheld from them, unto their condemnation.” ~3 Nephi 26:9-10
(Bold added)
"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have." ~2 Nephi 28:30
(Bold added)

Listen: "A More Excellent Way" an EFY song by David Osmond
Read: “What Lack I Yet?” by Elder Larry R. Lawrence
Read Special Ops Moms Blog Post: “Before & After"

"Today’s world moves at an increasingly rapid pace. Scientific achievements are fantastic, advances in medicine are phenomenal, and the probings of the inner secrets of earth and the outer limits of space leave one amazed and in awe. In our science-oriented age, we conquer space but cannot control self; hence, we forfeit peace. Through modern science, man has been permitted to fly through space at great speeds and to silently and without effort cruise sixty days under water in nuclear-powered ships. Now that man can fly like a bird and swim like a fish, would that he could learn to walk on earth like a man." ~President Thomas S. Monson, “In Quest for the Abundant Life,” March 1988 Ensign
Rate of Progression can actually change in a person over time similar to how a runner can improve his/her race time. So when a couple first get married, they may have the same Rate. They may be able to run together. But over time, that Rate has the potential to change, for better or for worse, because of agency.
Listen: "Mighty Change of Heart" an EFY song by David Osmond

The way we slow down our Rate of Progression is by:
1. Turning to Deal Breakers.
2. Choosing to interact with others in pride and envy.
3. Yielding to the temptations of Harlot Attraction or Prude Attraction Inhibitors.
4. Losing sight of our God-given mission.
5. Weak Forcefield = being exposed to too little or too much Adversity.

This is the opposite of slowing it down. We choose:
1. Chastity with our spouse.
2. Faith in Christ—Paradoxical Strategies in the face of adversity and temptation + continuous repentance and forgiveness when mistakes are made.
3. Humility, gratitude, confidence, and empathy in our interactions with others, stripping ourselves of all pride and envy.
4. Standing steadfast in our God-given mission.
5. Strong Forcefield = Threshold Adversity (see blog post "In The Zone").
Because of each spouse’s agency, Rates of Progression can stay similar or they can change in relation to each other over time. If both spouses improve their Rates of Progression together, an increase in the intensity of Sustainable Attraction will be the Result.
“And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed.” ~Alma 34:33
(Bold added)

Several years ago I purchased two round-trip airline ticket to Frankfurt, Germany for a Christmas gift for my husband. He served his mission in Switzerland and France and I thought this would be the perfect gift for him to go back and visit. Overseas airline tickets were extremely affordable at that time--$400 each! We traveled by car from Germany into Switzerland and France. One day we visited Lausanne, France, which was one of the areas that he loved while serving his mission. At the end of the day we needed to catch a train that was going to arrive within a short period of time. The train station was still a ways away from where we were. So we decided to run for it. During this time of our lives we were both on the same diet and exercise program, working to get in shape. Running side by side with him up the street to catch the train is one of the best memories I have with him.
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