Our commitment level to our Values demonstrates the might, mind, and strength we each personally have to love God (Matthew 22:36-40). The level that we love God is our Love Language Proficiency (see Chapter 8).
“Repentance involves a change of heart and a desire to forsake sin and serve God. It involves humbly yielding to the Spirit and submitting to God’s will. It requires that people increase their commitment to live in agreement with God’s will. Repentance requires a sincere and lasting change of thoughts, desires, habits, and actions. It is a positive experience that brings joy and peace.” ~Preach My Gospel, pg. 8
With that same proficiency and commitment level, we love our spouse. This may make us think that everyone should be hiking to the top of the mountain to prove their love to God and their spouse, otherwise our Love Language will not be of any value at all. But that’s not true. That's black and white. Real Value is not a black and white judgment. We all have different dispositions and temperaments. What is required is that we love with all of our own might, mind, and strength, not with all of someone else’s. We hike to the top of our own personal mountain-relationship with God. We’re not all competing against each other to see who can love God the most. That’s dumb. We are true to our hearts. Wherever we end up on the Mountain of the Lord, if it is to our personal satisfaction level and to our God's, then that is VALUABLE! That is our mountain. That journey is of the greatest worth to us and to everyone else in the kingdom of God. We bloom where we are planted. We determine or identify who we are and where we want to settle.

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